The core items are : Meki's Pendant --> Tear of Goddess --> Ninja Tabi (usually u want tabi cause top will be AD and my oranges take care of disables :] ) --> Manamune --> Sheen --> Trinity Force ( you can buy either Zeal or Phage after sheen) --> Atma's Impaler --> Banshee's Veil --> Adjustable Item (here you take anything u want, it can be IE if u want more dmg or Warmog if u want to be more tanky. Its up to you)
And Adjustable items
____________________________________________________________________________Skill leveling:
1.(depends on enemy) mostly W 7.W 13. Q
2. Q 8. Q 14. E
3. E 9. W 15. E
4. W 10. Q 16. R
5. W 11. R 17. E
6. R 12. Q 18. E
I start with a Meki's Pendant (some of you might think why - here's the answer, because i need mana to continuously spam parrley and heal), immediately after i do Tear of Goddess, now i spam even harder to get my mana stacks, as soon as i hit lvl 6 i focus less on harassment and more on map awareness, Cannon Barrage can grant you some important assists, mostly on bottom lane.
After finishing my manamune (you should be about lvl 8 here) i focus on the harass, keep in mind that Parrrrley applies GP's passive posion, which takes about 30 additional dmg, try to squeeze some autoattacks in between creeps that can deal additional dmg to your opponent.
When jungler ganks your lane its up to you how u want to play this, you either bait your enemy with autoattack and run away then buff your teammate with E, or you open aggressive with E and slow with parrley, allowing your jungler to gank. That is about 75% effective kill.
As soon as i got my sheen im aware that my parrley deals a huge blow now, you can either creep with it for bonus gold or keep the enemy away from minions, (usually i take the second option).
When you shop again it should be already after the laning phase. Get your trinity for bonus movement speed and Gank as much as u wish (keep in mind the creep kills are your main gold source).
Don't hesitate to defend your tower from mass minion with ultimate, its cooldown is not that long.
Atma is an important item but the real value lies in the crit rate, for my runes with trinity and atma i got 50% crit rate and about 20% additional crit dmg, that makes me an surprisingly high damage dealer while im tanky enough to initiate.
What you want next is Banshee's for 3 reasons, first : additional HP means More dmg(Atma), second : additional Mana means more dmg(manamune), and ofc third is the spellbarier which is extremely handy during initiates.
Some of you might be insure, :"should i ult ON the team fight or BEHIND to cut off enemies". Well.... it's all about situation, if YOU chase cast behind them (still grants assists) if you are BEING chased cast it on the moment you engage the fight, and make sure you reach at least 3 enemies - otherwise save it unless needed.
The last item you make depends on your enemy team items. I prefer Infinity Edge cause it rises my crit rate to 74% and my crit dmg to 273% that makes my parrley crit for about 1,2k and normal attacks for 700/850 dmg.
If you DON'T have the crit runes, more viable item might be the Warmog's its additional 1k hp (1.3 if stacked) which is 20 AD on Atmas. Third option is that you want to keep the balance between DMG and Tank, that option is Madred's Bloodrazor, with decent AD bonus it gives you mostly needed atkspeed and armor(and ofc the powerful 8%hp dmg).
I GOT REALLY BAD RUNES SO FAR (becouse its my second account, I mostly play on East)
and i use :
Which give me :
8.4% crit chance24% Crit Dmg
And masteries
21 / 9 / 0well that would be it. Hope i helped some of you, any advices on my future guides - mail me on
Thanks for reading, VlaD
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