Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Game 21 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
I was the last pick, but my team play allowed me to be ad carry.I was playing with gucioq(he played as ap kennen mid) . I took the graves as my main champ. It was a very good game in my performance. My farm was really huge at 20th min i had 200 cs. So it wasn't too bad.Kennen was ganking bot lane all the time when his ulti was up so that helped alot. The game ended with a great statistics, and cs. It was a simple win.
5v5 Team Project Elo Hell
I'd like to announce that we are looking for 2 member to our team - AP CARRY and SUPPORT. We require from you at least 1,1k elo in solo que and some experience. Before you will get invite to our team you will be tested in draft games. We are playing almost EVERY DAY for about 2h-6h so we expect the same from you. We will place shedule on our website when we will have 5 members.
We also require from you teamspeak 3 and to be at least 17+
Contact me ingame : Gucioq
Game 18 - Kennen - Victory /Gucioq
I think that in most cases i am feeding beacuse i don't know well my laning opponent, like now i.e Vladimir, i bought him but didnt play alot by him, i don't know his potential and that's why I am dying most likely. Later when he got few kills he was zoning me all the time, so just a little advice here : Try to play in normal games as much champions as possible if you don't know how does they work exactly, this will make you know how to react in some situations.
Game 17 - Kennen - Victory /Gucioq
At the beginning i died twice what was completly stupid, i fought without any sense, just to kill brand - and he just killed me... as you can see on video, he started doran ring and played quiet agressivly. I should just play passive and farm but i am fucking rambo... have to train on self control... I ganked bottom lane twice with flash+ my ulti, it is effective - so don't hesistate to burn your flash to take someone into ulti's range.
Game 16 - Cassiopeia - Defeat /Gucioq
Fuck that game, i am so nervous - we were winning like 60-30 then we got aced 6 times... can you imagine ? we just got aced 6 times - basically we lost... we had all dragons and 1 baron, we lost probably cause of bad team comp in late game, thats all - they were too tanky for us, we couldnt do anyting - katarina's ulti fiddle's ulti + morde's ulti on our ad carry and its preety much over, holy shit 60-30... and it is a lost game, hope it never happen again.
Game 15 - Cassiopeia - Victory /Gucioq
Really ? Won't pick again cassiopeia vs Le blanc, it was like staying at the turret all day long, she was denied my farm, even if i maxed my Q to push her lane... i couldnt even come on Q range to Q minions to push, it was crazy - next time i will pick cassio ill ask my captain to ban le blanc, or pick some counter pick on her. Really, for me it wasn't a good game but i also know that LB owns early-mid game so i knew that we will win beacuse our bot lane was really very good. You can see in video how looked that game.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Game 14 - Cassiopeia - Victory /Gucioq
I was laning against Ahri, she was weak - at the beginning i killed her twice so that helped me alot, as you could see on the beginning my jungler malphite did nice flash and ulted ahri who almost killed me, that wasn't bad action. At minute 20:15 I knew that MF got my W under her legs and my Q so i basically flashed even if i didnt see her and ulted straight into her face. I still have to work on my farm, i can't focus well on both - helping teammates and farming at same time, I think it will come with time. I attach replay below.
Solo top Gangplank
Hello, actually it will be my first guide, I'm naturally a jungler/solo top player and here I'll post my solo top Gangplank build.
The core items are : Meki's Pendant --> Tear of Goddess --> Ninja Tabi (usually u want tabi cause top will be AD and my oranges take care of disables :] ) --> Manamune --> Sheen --> Trinity Force ( you can buy either Zeal or Phage after sheen) --> Atma's Impaler --> Banshee's Veil --> Adjustable Item (here you take anything u want, it can be IE if u want more dmg or Warmog if u want to be more tanky. Its up to you)
Skill leveling:
1.(depends on enemy) mostly W 7.W 13. Q
2. Q 8. Q 14. E
3. E 9. W 15. E
4. W 10. Q 16. R
5. W 11. R 17. E
6. R 12. Q 18. E
I start with a Meki's Pendant (some of you might think why - here's the answer, because i need mana to continuously spam parrley and heal), immediately after i do Tear of Goddess, now i spam even harder to get my mana stacks, as soon as i hit lvl 6 i focus less on harassment and more on map awareness, Cannon Barrage can grant you some important assists, mostly on bottom lane.
After finishing my manamune (you should be about lvl 8 here) i focus on the harass, keep in mind that Parrrrley applies GP's passive posion, which takes about 30 additional dmg, try to squeeze some autoattacks in between creeps that can deal additional dmg to your opponent.
When jungler ganks your lane its up to you how u want to play this, you either bait your enemy with autoattack and run away then buff your teammate with E, or you open aggressive with E and slow with parrley, allowing your jungler to gank. That is about 75% effective kill.
As soon as i got my sheen im aware that my parrley deals a huge blow now, you can either creep with it for bonus gold or keep the enemy away from minions, (usually i take the second option).
When you shop again it should be already after the laning phase. Get your trinity for bonus movement speed and Gank as much as u wish (keep in mind the creep kills are your main gold source).
Don't hesitate to defend your tower from mass minion with ultimate, its cooldown is not that long.
Atma is an important item but the real value lies in the crit rate, for my runes with trinity and atma i got 50% crit rate and about 20% additional crit dmg, that makes me an surprisingly high damage dealer while im tanky enough to initiate.
What you want next is Banshee's for 3 reasons, first : additional HP means More dmg(Atma), second : additional Mana means more dmg(manamune), and ofc third is the spellbarier which is extremely handy during initiates.
Some of you might be insure, :"should i ult ON the team fight or BEHIND to cut off enemies". Well.... it's all about situation, if YOU chase cast behind them (still grants assists) if you are BEING chased cast it on the moment you engage the fight, and make sure you reach at least 3 enemies - otherwise save it unless needed.
The last item you make depends on your enemy team items. I prefer Infinity Edge cause it rises my crit rate to 74% and my crit dmg to 273% that makes my parrley crit for about 1,2k and normal attacks for 700/850 dmg.
If you DON'T have the crit runes, more viable item might be the Warmog's its additional 1k hp (1.3 if stacked) which is 20 AD on Atmas. Third option is that you want to keep the balance between DMG and Tank, that option is Madred's Bloodrazor, with decent AD bonus it gives you mostly needed atkspeed and armor(and ofc the powerful 8%hp dmg).
I GOT REALLY BAD RUNES SO FAR (becouse its my second account, I mostly play on East)
and i use :
24% Crit Dmg
well that would be it. Hope i helped some of you, any advices on my future guides - mail me on
Thanks for reading, VlaD
The core items are : Meki's Pendant --> Tear of Goddess --> Ninja Tabi (usually u want tabi cause top will be AD and my oranges take care of disables :] ) --> Manamune --> Sheen --> Trinity Force ( you can buy either Zeal or Phage after sheen) --> Atma's Impaler --> Banshee's Veil --> Adjustable Item (here you take anything u want, it can be IE if u want more dmg or Warmog if u want to be more tanky. Its up to you)
And Adjustable items
____________________________________________________________________________Skill leveling:
1.(depends on enemy) mostly W 7.W 13. Q
2. Q 8. Q 14. E
3. E 9. W 15. E
4. W 10. Q 16. R
5. W 11. R 17. E
6. R 12. Q 18. E
I start with a Meki's Pendant (some of you might think why - here's the answer, because i need mana to continuously spam parrley and heal), immediately after i do Tear of Goddess, now i spam even harder to get my mana stacks, as soon as i hit lvl 6 i focus less on harassment and more on map awareness, Cannon Barrage can grant you some important assists, mostly on bottom lane.
After finishing my manamune (you should be about lvl 8 here) i focus on the harass, keep in mind that Parrrrley applies GP's passive posion, which takes about 30 additional dmg, try to squeeze some autoattacks in between creeps that can deal additional dmg to your opponent.
When jungler ganks your lane its up to you how u want to play this, you either bait your enemy with autoattack and run away then buff your teammate with E, or you open aggressive with E and slow with parrley, allowing your jungler to gank. That is about 75% effective kill.
As soon as i got my sheen im aware that my parrley deals a huge blow now, you can either creep with it for bonus gold or keep the enemy away from minions, (usually i take the second option).
When you shop again it should be already after the laning phase. Get your trinity for bonus movement speed and Gank as much as u wish (keep in mind the creep kills are your main gold source).
Don't hesitate to defend your tower from mass minion with ultimate, its cooldown is not that long.
Atma is an important item but the real value lies in the crit rate, for my runes with trinity and atma i got 50% crit rate and about 20% additional crit dmg, that makes me an surprisingly high damage dealer while im tanky enough to initiate.
What you want next is Banshee's for 3 reasons, first : additional HP means More dmg(Atma), second : additional Mana means more dmg(manamune), and ofc third is the spellbarier which is extremely handy during initiates.
Some of you might be insure, :"should i ult ON the team fight or BEHIND to cut off enemies". Well.... it's all about situation, if YOU chase cast behind them (still grants assists) if you are BEING chased cast it on the moment you engage the fight, and make sure you reach at least 3 enemies - otherwise save it unless needed.
The last item you make depends on your enemy team items. I prefer Infinity Edge cause it rises my crit rate to 74% and my crit dmg to 273% that makes my parrley crit for about 1,2k and normal attacks for 700/850 dmg.
If you DON'T have the crit runes, more viable item might be the Warmog's its additional 1k hp (1.3 if stacked) which is 20 AD on Atmas. Third option is that you want to keep the balance between DMG and Tank, that option is Madred's Bloodrazor, with decent AD bonus it gives you mostly needed atkspeed and armor(and ofc the powerful 8%hp dmg).
I GOT REALLY BAD RUNES SO FAR (becouse its my second account, I mostly play on East)
and i use :
Which give me :
8.4% crit chance24% Crit Dmg
And masteries
21 / 9 / 0well that would be it. Hope i helped some of you, any advices on my future guides - mail me on
Thanks for reading, VlaD
Game 13 - Janna - Defeat /Gucioq
HOLY SHIT, this game was a fail - i was last pick and couldnt do much as a support - they invaded us and they took 1st blood, next bad game.
Game 20 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
Unfortunately, this time I forgot to make screenshot, however I added replay. In this game I played Graves finished it with stats 19/5. For me it was a very successful game. At the beginning I did a double kill which gave me a huge laneing advantage My farm was pretty good which allowed me to carry this game.
I finished it with great stats. I have to practice setting, and the accuracy of the ulti.
I finished it with great stats. I have to practice setting, and the accuracy of the ulti.
Game 19 - Soraka - Victory /Pajalock
Unfortunately, I was the last pick and I had to get support. I took soraka because it is the support I play best. I Generally don't like supports beacuse in solo que i feel that i don't have ALMOST any impact on the game progress. But this game has gone quite well. As you can see I finished with good statistics. Certainly i have to ward more often - I have to work on it. Ashe on my line played pretty well. This game was very successful despite the fact that I was playing support.
Game 18 - Kogmaw - Defeat /Pajalock
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I was the last pick. But someone took blitzcrank support so i was able to pick ad carry. However, this wasn't a good choice. On this elo support who doesn't buy wards is very common, so just fuck him and try buying wards by yourself. I just did not play well also - bad game. Several times unnecessarily killed by vayne. I definitely need to practice ulti. It was a bad game in my performance.
I don't upload the replay beacuse there is nothing to learn from this game, it was just tragedy.
I don't upload the replay beacuse there is nothing to learn from this game, it was just tragedy.
Game 17 - Graves - Defeat /Pajalock
And again graves :). In this game i didnt play bad badly. I started the game with 2/0/0, but then midlane ganked me without any ss and i died. Then it was just another worse thing... because my support is not buying wards, I was buying wards instead of him but stil it wasnt enough. Unfortunately it ended defeat.
Game 16 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
I played Graves one more game. From the beginning it was strange. Already in the lobby, you can see a strange enemy team. There were no ad-carry, support. And what better was 2 junglers. Immediately you think - I will win this game. Suprisingly I saw that my team wants to surrender, i conviced last person to click no(it was already 3v1) and he just did what i ask him so it didnt happened. I was fed. I Carried this game to end.
Game 12 - Cassiopeia - Victory /Gucioq
Game 11 - Cassiopeia - Defeat /Gucioq
Probably bad results beacuse i just bought this champion and need few games to warm up, nothing to say. Really bad game.
Game 15 - Xerath - Defeat /Pajalock
Czy chodziło Ci o: Mimo wszystko była to wygrana gra. Na Pewno muszę popracować nad farmą w początkowej fazie gry oraz lepszym włączaniem siędo walki.
In this game, I was first pick. I decided to take xerath. I didn't play bad but still lost. My team played very bad. Personally, I won me lane and I helped my team on other lanes. But this game was not to win. I was dieing often in the team because my team fights instead of protect me. I definitely need to forget about this game.
Czy chodziło Ci o: często zginąłem w
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Game 14 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
Graves next game. Unfortunately I had to leave 1 game because I had unexpected problems with the Internet.It was a very good game. I killed few times my laning opponent in the early game. What gave me a significant advantage. However, my farm in the early game was very bad and I definitely need to work on it.
However, in late game of playing pretty well. It was hard to focus kog maw beacuse he has got very big range. Still, it was a victory game. Certainly I have to work on the farm in early game and better incorporation of referral to the fight.
Game 10 - Cassiopeia - Victory /Gucioq
In this game i got early advantage, the opponent i was laning to wasnt a skilled player(brand) i killed him twice at the beginning and then i just started to farm, but unfortunetly my team started "low elo teamfights for nothing" so i couldn't leave them without any help, i got a bid fed in this game, so did vayne.
Game 9 - Cassiopeia - Defeat /Gucioq
Will add screen later
Couldn't do anything more in this game, I was most fed person in whole game - it wasnt enough, we played without TF and Nautilius, they were extremly feeding, even lots of my triple/double kills and good farm couldnt stand that. Well, there are some games that are just unwinable and it was one of those games, we have 2x baron + 2x dragon, but my feeding teammates destryoed everything, it happens - hope next game will be better.
Game 8 - Cassiopeia - Defeat /Gucioq
Bad games happens to everyone, my jungler was really bad - i played like a shit also, not much to comment about, their alistar carried their early/mid game - his ganks were insane - alistar jungle is something new but really effective seems like. I won't comment much - everyone just failed, happens. I won't place video beacuse nothing to watch.
Game 7 - Cassiopeia - Victory /Gucioq
In this game I basically outfamed them, on the beginning i got ganked by their udyr and i died but i killed udyr also so it was 1v1 trade. Next i got ganked by 3 stun people - i mean veigar, taric, udyr so there was no way to stay alive. I was most fed from all my team members cause i just was farming and famring - my farm basically won a game. I bought this champion today, I have to work more on placing my Q on, beacuse in few cases i just missed Q didnt notice that and press 'E' and then i was totally fucked.As you could see that i sometimes overplaced farm than teamfight, but i communicated with my team and i wrote to don't engage without me beacuse there is no any reason. Also, we had great control on dragons what gave us huge advantage - generally this game was very good but as you will be able to see warwick started to flame and that doesn't help at all, remember KEEP CALM no matter what.I think that arround 10-20 cassio games and i wont have any problems with that(placing Q anymore). I have record from that game, enjoy watching.
// edit : As you can see i had VEIGAR on mid so i didnt go for standard cassiopeia build but i built merc threads what allows me to escape from veigar stun faster than ussual saving alot of my hp beacuse of his missing spells. Anyway they had 3 stunners and their CC was REALLY HUGE - so don't always go for standard build beacuse in some cases you may need merc threads like I did.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Game 7 - Kennen - Victory /Gucioq
This game was preety normal, i was playing middle lane as kennen and just farming - my jungler ganked once and we killed bitch annie. I focused on farm but still it was too low - well i will be practicing more and we will see. I attach screen and video. I was duo queing with my jungler so it is preety good setup mid position and jungler, he was camping mid and we were ganking top together.
Game 6 - Taric - Defeat /Gucioq
I have not screen from this game, i was too angry after the game - it was so close to win, we just lost cause of our stupid teammates and separating. The enemy destroyed our 2 turrets at nexus and then we aced them, we pushed and we destroyed their 2 turrets and damaged nexus to 1/2 hp. then we got separated and they aced us - we just lost. i've got lol replay video.
There is no point to send video link to this game, this game was just too annoying, but if u really want - post it in comments.
There is no point to send video link to this game, this game was just too annoying, but if u really want - post it in comments.
Trick with wards
As you may know, if you use a flash through the wall is just half of that overcoming obstacles and you will be transferred. The same happens with wards.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Game 13 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
In this game i forgot about screenshot but i recorded the game.
My stats on end were 11 kills 5 deaths. I played graves. This is one of my favourite champions. This game was very strange.
I had solo bot beacuse two players wanted to go mid... Their karma and cait were very big noobs so i still had a chance to win this game. Karma bought doran's ring at start. Then my team ganked very fast but karma and cait ran away with 20 hp? This was very unlucky. I had 2 enemys but i farmed nice in this situation. I took some kills in late game. My team was winning with me all of teamfights. I can say this was very strange but nice game...
In this game i forgot about screenshot but i recorded the game.
My stats on end were 11 kills 5 deaths. I played graves. This is one of my favourite champions. This game was very strange.
I had solo bot beacuse two players wanted to go mid... Their karma and cait were very big noobs so i still had a chance to win this game. Karma bought doran's ring at start. Then my team ganked very fast but karma and cait ran away with 20 hp? This was very unlucky. I had 2 enemys but i farmed nice in this situation. I took some kills in late game. My team was winning with me all of teamfights. I can say this was very strange but nice game...
Game 12 - Ahri - Defeat /Pajalock
In this game I was first pick and took ahri. In my opinion she is very op champion. Her ulti is really.... 3 dashes are not notmal :) and her passive gives her nice sustain on the lane. But in this game my team was very bad. I won me lane. Killled 3 times malzahar but my team were feedubg on bot and top soo much. I was trying to carry this game but this was very hard with my team. Alistar was very bad player... He thought that he will win fight 1 vs 5? I failed some times but i think Alistar and nasus destroyed this game. My farm was very bad beacuse i had to help on other lanes... I was trying to play as good as i could and cary me team.
I have to train farm. I can farm very well as ad carry but i cant farm well as ap...
Game 11 - Graves - Victory /Pajalock
Sorry I forgot record this game. I was last pick but soraka told that she wants to support me. I was very happy.I took Graves. This was my main champ. I had very nice farm. Early mid and late game was mine. This was very easy game for me. I owned me lane. Killed some times nunu and ashe. Ashe wasn't bad player but i just outfarmed her. What can i say more this was very nice easy game. And i gained some free elo.
Game 10 - Kogmaw - Victory /Pajalock
This was not bad game. I was second pick and took Kogmaw. I like this ad carry beacouse for me has got very good ulti and range. Taric dont want to support me but he must. In my opinion Taric is very good support for Kogmaw. He has got stun and heal. If taric stuned someone kogmaw can use ulti.
Me lane was strange. First I fought with lux and twitch. Noc gank me lane and twitch was dead beacouse lux dont bought wards for this reason twitch start cry. He went on top. A few minute I had lane with only lux therefore i can farm very well. Next on me lane come talon. I made a mistake. Lux stun me and talon took easy kill. This is me very big fail. Leter LB ganked me lane and talon was dead. Next i made next mistake. I want to kill brand on mid. This was me fail. Brand kill me and i had 0/2. Remember ganks weren't your job.
Next talon comed on my lane. Try only farm to late game. I forgot about it. Next i kill lux very nice. She made mistake and i used it and killed her. Next i died again beacuse i went to enemy jungle - probably they had wards. This was very stupid.
Late game was very good for me i took some kills and we won this game.
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Game 9 - Kogmaw - Victory /Pajalock
This was very nice game. I had very ncie farm and won me lane. I didn't have any problems to kill graves or janna.On the beginning I made very nice kill on janna. This was nice start.
Next kill was graves but sona just unfortounetly killed him.
I took 2 more kills on graves and sona. I was very fed. Kennen made mistake and entered our jungle. We noticed him beacuse we had good map awarness I killed him and I got fed even more. I died in teamfights beacouse my positioning was bad. I have to try getting better position in teamfights.
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Game 8 - Vayne - Victory /Pajalock
Download :
Sorry for bad screen. This was very nice game. I had support lux. I dont like this but i must play with her.
03:00 - Shaco gank me but i dont die. If shaco jungle u must care all time.
03:15 - Try kill vayne. Unlucky 1 hit more and she die.
06:00 - I fail soo much. Cait kill lux and we must back.
Next Naut gank me lane and i dont look on map. I dont help and this is very bad.
12:00 - I kill vayne. Naut gank me lane i first focus she beacouse has got low hp.
14:30 - I want to push and this is very stupid. I die... I never do it again.
19:00 - Try kill soraka. She is lucky. But this is me fail too.
26:00 - All enemy team was on top and i make backdoory and destroy turret.
Later game is nice i take some kills. But me team was bad dont def me in tf and only run away. But i try dont die and focus nice. This is win.
Game 7 - Xerath - Defeat /Pajalock
Next lose... I was first pick and i took xerath. In early game i was laning against anivia and i won lane against her. Their team saw that i am free farming and they started to ganking me, i got ganked about 4 times by more than 3 people. My main misstake in this game was that i forgot buying any wards and thats why i died alot of times . My team was feeding and it didnt help me at all...
Game 5 - Kennen - Victory /Gucioq
Not bad game... I won my line - my opponent was sion ap but imo he wasn't skilled, once i was fighting him and i wasnt sure if he will die but suprisingly from another side of map ashe aimed her arrow and hit straight into sion's forehead, holy shit - that was really amaizing. Our early game was not that good as late, some people died, but they recorvered their honor in late game :) In lobby chat i thought that it is next troll game, everyone was flaming on each other but i see that it was only for fun. As you can see, my cs was not that good but it is only beacuse that i decided to help my other lanes since i took 2 kills from mid, so i became another jungler in our team - i saw that my another lanes needs help - worked.
ps; if you have any ideas what to add on the blog post it in comments :)
Game 4 - Udyr - Victory /Gucioq
This game was a bit strange... as you can see from screen enemy team had 2 ap carrys, one of them was of bottom... at the beginning i made 2 succesfull ganks and my score was 2-0-0, after that morde started a bit feeding action but it didnt stopped us to carry him. I did 2 dragons alone and after that we had fully controlled game. I dived talon twice at the turret (he was 50% hp) and it was succesfull. Our graves had huge farm and it helped us to win.
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